Thursday, March 7, 2013

the God who wrestles

Growing up with three older brothers, I became well acquainted with wrestling.  When we were kids, it was the height of the (fake) pro wrestling phenomenon... the glory days of Hulk Hogan, Macho Man Randy Savage, and "Diamond cutter"Dallas Page.... wow, and I'm slightly embarrassed that I remember them so clearly...hah
Those of you who were avid fans during that time will probably remember, "Sting."  He was always in black and his symbol was a scorpion.  I remember in middle school, I wore one of my brother's black Sting shirts to school with a huge white scorpion on the front.... hardcore.... I was pretty much the bravest, coolest chick at Fayette Middle that day ;-)

So I was thinking about how Jacob wrestled with God... I mean I'm sure it was a little different.... like God probably didn't rip his shirt like Hogan and slam a steal chair onto Jacob's head for crowd appeal.... but He totally did leave him limping with a wrenched hip.

We mustn't test the Lord our God.... but I guess we can sure as heck wrestle with Him.  There is something that pleases the heart of God when we refuse to give up, like Jacob did, "until He blesses us."  I think its faith- I mean faith does please God, and Jacob had to have faith that the struggle would produce a blessing when he made the decision that he wasn't going to let go.  God says that He blessed Jacob because he "struggled with God and with humans and has overcome." Such bravery- to fight til' you overcome! I'd like to be so brave...

The only thing is, I was never a good wrestler....  My version would be to just cling to my brother's legs to try and stop them from progressing in the fight.... to try to impair the obvious advantage they had in strength and height!  And I haven't come up with any creative moves since then.... That's where I am now- I've wrapped myself around the shins of the King because I gotta believe He will bless me. I gotta believe I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.  I'm not looking for Him to bless me with a Jag or a Mercedes, or some high-end shoes made from crocodile skins.... I just want Him to bless me with His Presence.  Like Moses said before the exodus, "If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here."  Thats how I feel.  I want Him to go before me; to take me by the hand and lead me- to hem me in before and behind.  I want His will- and if I have to put on my brother's old Sting shirt and wrestle to get it- then so be it.  I don't even know what it is to be honest- I don't know what His will is for my life.  I do know this though, He has plans to prosper us... to give us a hope and a future... and while I don't always know the next step of faith to take in His will, I do know that the plan of the enemy is evident.... as I cling to the Lord, the enemy latches on to my legs... trying to trip me up and steal the grip I have on the Almighty.  I'm furiously shaking him off though- because nothing is worth me loosing this grip I have on Jesus.  The sight of His face is all I will need, to know that this has all been... more than worth the struggle.

Blessed are those whose help is in the God of Jacob.... the God who wrestles.  Blessed are those who hope in Him... He remains Faithful forever.

With love and sweet wrestling moves,