Ok, here's the deal. I don't feel particularly wordy at the moment, but I'm inspired. Sometimes I feel that I have so much to explain that if I try to do so, my eyes will bulge like a coo coo clock, my tongue will fall out, and that will be the end of me...so I'll just try to give the facts....minus the details:
- In college, some extraordinary instances happened which would allow me to believe that I would possibly, someday...be involved with Orphans....somehow.
- A few years ago, I went to India and spent some time in three different orphanages. It was amazing. No,
these children were amazing.....no,
amazing is not even a word that comes close to describing these tiny human beings that made me a believer once again, in love at first sight...well, them and my high school boyfriend, Buck. (Wow Julie, you just went there....on the internet)
- I am in Massage Therapy school. Where am I taking this? I'm not sure, but if I tried to explain....again, I remind you of the coo coo clock image....let's just not go there, okay?
- My Mom said to me the other day that she found out that my second cousin is a Massage Therapist and she works in Vietnam massaging infant Orphans...which is one of the most admirable things because many studies have shown that without human touch and nurturing, babies can die. Compassionate touch is so extremely vital for their wellbeing. So my response when my Mom told me about my cousin: gulp.....are you kidding me? It's like my passion and my skill got married, had a baby, and the whole scenario was covered in white chocolate. Are my analogies even making sense to anybody right now? Seriously...I didn't even know how to respond to this- it just makes so much sense to me.
- So some of you might remember that my computer died....and I am currently extremely frustrated with this "hp pavilion ze4800" laptop I am using. Oh, you've never
heard of the "hp pavilion ze4800?" Well, lets just say that it is right up there in the
Technology hall of LAME with my Mom's first
car phone, and it is seriously slower than a horse and buggy. Honestly, if I literally took a horse and buggy ride to where you are right now to deliver this message to you in person, it would most likely make it there faster than I could get this blog published on this piece of....Oh, whoops..... Julie, lets not forget what we are writing this blog about-Orphans....yes, Orphans who are lucky if they have shoes....much less an, "hp pavilion ze4800" laptop :-/ Let us pause for a moment of thanks as we get our perspective on. _________________________________Thank you Lord, for this "hp pavilion ze 4800"...even now Lord, as it delays to even bring up the letters I type until I am already on the next paragraph.
-So what will I do with these thoughts about Orphans? I'm not sure yet, because Orphans
do come with a lot of
details and right now, I am still just trying to keep my room clean, trying to learn not to be so selfish, trying to remember to get my oil changed in my car every once in a while, trying to have patience with this device on my lap that doesn't even deserve to be termed "a computer," ...
BUT thinking of them sure does make me want to get my life right so I can love one, or two, or a billion of them..... they sure do get my heart a'dreamin'
In other baby news:
- My two nephews, Lucas and Lex, were born! Yay! Pictures? huh, yea right....on the "hp pavilion ze4800???" That'll have to wait until I get my hands on a computer from this century. Welcome to the world you little heart melters, and job-well-done to my sister-in-laws...but I will miss your bellies :-( BUT the joy of my new nephews outweighs the sadness over the loss of cute bellies. :-) I just think that pregnant bellies happen to be awesome and I can't wait to have one.
- I cut my own hair- with a razor comb from Sally's Beauty supply. This, apparently makes me
too legit to quit, according to my friend Laura, who in response said that I should, "start my own hair cutting business!" I like to just think that Laura has a rare disease where when I anounce some modest achievement to her, she follows it with unimaginable affirmation!
Julie: "Hey Laura, I recorded a little bit of a song on youtube"
Laura: "Oh my gosh Jul, its about time! The world should hear your voice...you should go on American Idol!"
She even made up something called, "leadership night" at our church and said I should sing at it. This is how
that went:
Laura: Hey Jul, when are you going to
sing at church instead of just play keys!?
Julie: I dunno, I don't really want to be at the front of the stage singing, I like to be behind the keyboard all incognito in the back as I sing my little heart out.
Laura: You should sign up for a leadership night!
Julie: We have that at our church?
Laura: Well, I mean you should just do it...just say you want to lead and just do it
Julie: Wow La, I don't think that is how it works, and you totally just made up
Leadership Night and made it sound like something I could sign up for in the lobby.... that is so NOT a thing!
Haha, I love her. She believes in people. What a great quality! The funny thing is, she is so crafty and makes lamps and other crafty things and she totally DID start her own business! Way to go La!
Boy, I'm starting to think that the title of this blog was a bit misleading...I guess I'm not great at
subtracting the details...
Well I will end with an exerpt from an article about Orphans and their vital need for touch.
My prayer is to be able to love Orphans. I want to give them love that would seep down deep into their roots so that when they grow up and learn who they are, they would be rooted and grounded in love and know that they are a
wanted child of God.
"A hundred years ago, about 99% of babies in orphanages
in the United States died before they were
seven months old. Orphanages were an everyday part
of the social landscape. Unwanted babies were deposited
in these institutions, where modern antiseptic procedures
and adequate food seemed to guarantee them at least a
fighting chance for a healthy life. But the babies died,
not from infectious diseases or malnutrition; they simply
wasted awayin a conditioncalled “marasmus.” Sterile
surroundings didn’t cure it; having enough food made no difference.
These babies died from a completely different kind of
deprivation: lack of touch. When babies were removed
from these large, clean but impersonal institutions to
environments where they received physical nurturing
along with formula, the marasmus reversed. They gained
weight and finally began to thrive.
Touch is vital for survival in the very young. Everyday
in our nation’s hospitals sick and premature infants, isolated
in sterile environments, are given the touch therapy
of massage for fifteen minutes, three times a day."
Here is the link to the full article if you care to take a gander:
With love and details,